How Do I Register and Trademark a Brand Name?

A Trademark Can Help Protect Your Intellectual Property From Others. Let the Philadelphia, PA Trademark Attorneys at Paul & Paul Help You Register Yours

If you are a product creator or a business owner with a unique product or service, protection of your product, identity, and other intellectual property will be a key concern. 

 Regardless of the size of your company, if you have products and services that you want to differentiate as your own and want to protect, registering and trademarking your brand name is a good first step. Registering and trademarking the company’s brand name helps to market your products and protect what you do or sell from your competition and possible infringement. Once your brand name is trademarked, you are protected from competitors that misuse or portray your products or services as their own. 

 At Paul & Paul, we can help. We are experienced Philadelphia, PA, trademark lawyers who understand the critical importance of protecting a company’s intellectual property. Our firm has over 170 years of combined experience ensuring that our clients’ IP is protected and litigating it before a court of law when a dispute or infringement arises. 

 The Step-By-Step Process of Trademark Registration

 The United States Patent and Trademark Office defines a trademark as a word, phrase, design, or a combination that identifies your goods or services, distinguishes them from the goods or services of others, and indicates the source of your goods or services. Registering that trademark is a relatively straightforward process requiring key steps: 

●      Searching the name on the federal database — The first step of registering your trademark is to ensure that your name is not already protected under trademark law. This is done through a search on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Electronic Search System. This will require that you look for not only your name but also names that may be considered too similar to one already trademarked in the same class.

●      Complete the application with the USPTO – An application can be completed online through the patent office’s website. The application will ask for personal information about the applicant as well as a thorough description and drawing of the mark, an example of the mark and date it was first used, a list of goods or services covered by the trademark, and the classification of these goods or services. It must then be signed and filed with USPTO with the appropriate fee. 

●      File your application — Filing your application with the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Application System, or TEAS, can be done in two ways. While the TEAS Plus system is more streamlined and cost-effective, your trademark must fit its set of criteria. The TEAS standard application costs a bit more but has fewer requirements. Once your application has been filed, a confirmation and serial number will be sent to you so you are able to check the status of the application. 

Once your trademark is issued, it is valid for as long as you maintain and use it for its registered purpose. 

 Do You Need a Trademark Lawyer to Register Your Trademark?

 While a trademark application may be relatively straightforward, there are many decisions to be made along the way. In the meantime, you are at risk of infringers using your work for their own financial gain. 

Your trademark is a valuable asset and any errors in your application can lead to costly re-filings or rejection, leaving you at risk. Whether you are at the beginning of creating your trademark or facing a possible infringement, having the experienced representation of a trademark lawyer in Philadelphia, PA, will give you a better chance of protecting your intellectual property and obtaining a trademark than navigating a registration by yourself. 

At Paul & Paul, our experienced Philadelphia, PA, trademark attorneys have helped businesses and individuals worldwide protect their valuable intellectual property from their competition. You can learn more about us and our services by calling us at (215) 568-4900 or filling out our online contact form.

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